07 November 2009
Yes It's Free - Always
It's called Escalating Biz - Check it out as it is totally free.
Another business in this system is one that I have been promoting and using for about 8 months now and I can tell you from personal experience that it does work.
Again, don't expect to get rich overnight but it does work if you do work at it.
It's called My Instant Biz and it's exactly that, no fancy promos or special offers.
They have a 30 day free trial which allows you to check it out without spending any of your own money, you don't even need credit card info to sign up for the Free trial.
This is the system I used to get started working online and still using it today because it does work, you just have to be patient and keep at it and it will work.
Take a few minutes to read the Free guide and see what you think, and remember that you can do a lot of promoting in 30 days.
I know it is very possible to get started for Free because I have done it myself and now have my own Traffic Exchange site, Electric Avenue Hits and an online store that I started recently called Go Green Loft
Am I getting rich yet? Heck no but I am working at it and making some money every month and it all started without spending any of my own money.
12 March 2009
Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads
One the easiest way to build up an email list is to give things away for free. Some might tell you it's a waste of time but if you don't have a list, this is one of the quickest ways to build one. You can find a free product to give away and start promoting it.
Give away free reports, free ebooks, free access to private websites, or anything else with some true value. The object is to get people to sign up to receive your free offer and to agree to receive emails from you in the future! The person gets a freebie. You get their name and email address, and permission to email them in the future.
Another point to note is that you can get even more than that. The freebie that you give away should also be used to help promote your products or services. Even just an affiliate link for products or services that are related to the topic of the freebie is a great way to generate extra revenue. Then every email you send in the future can again promote your products or services.
Just make sure to include information in the email that your readers will find interesting and be of some value to them or you'll have people unsubscribing from your list or just tagging it as spam and sending it to the trash.
You must use every opportunity that is presented to you to ensure your success with your online marketing. You have the opportunity to earn money with the freebie that you create! You have the opportunity to earn money when you send the ‘thank you’ email after a person has signed up for your free offer! You have the opportunity to earn money every time an autoresponder message is sent out to your list in the future!
Don’t waste those opportunities. Put it all in automatic mode with the use of an autoresponder. They're worth every penny.
My main goal again was to see if I could get an online business started for free, and found that it is very possible to do. It just takes a bit longer to get there BUT - It doesn't cost you any money upfront. Zero, Zilch, Nada...
I signed up for free PLR articles downloads, free ebooks, articles to get some content and free info to start with.
I then signed up for a 30 Day free trial for an autoresponder. I chose Traffic-Wave, but there are many more to choose from. I'm not trying to push certain products on you, but mainly passing on what I found that works for me in my quest to start an online biz for free.
My next step is to advertise anywhere, and everywhere I can. So far I'm really liking the results as I check my morning mail, let me tell you that it feels great to see new people signing up for more info about my offers. I started getting signups during the first week that I started promoting my links, and all for no money out of my pocket. I have since upgraded and am now paying my monthly fee for the Traffic-Wave account as my free 30 day trial is over, but like I said earlier, for under $20 bucks a month, it's worth every penny of it, and only had to pay for 1 month because just a few commissions pay for the monthly fee, so again it doesn't cost you any money to keep it going.
An Autoresponder is definitely a Must-Have item in your advertising arsenal.
Here are some of the most popular one used.
02 March 2009
Basic Must-Have Tools
Autoresponders can be used to get people to your website, or to promote products and services. Simply plug your sales messages into the autoresponder, along with some other valuable information that your potential subscriber or buyer may want or need, and then advertise that autoresponders address.
Once the person arrives at your site and goes through your ordering process, another autoresponder kicks in. This autoresponder should send out a receipt, as well as information that will allow the customer access to whatever it is they have purchased or subscribed to.
Another autoresponder message should be sent out after this, thanking the customer for their business, and letting them know about similar or related products or services that they may be interested in.In the case of a newsletter subscription simply inset the individual newsletters into your autoresponder to be sent at whateverinterval you need, daily, weekly or monthly newsletters, your choice.
The beauty of this is that while all of this ordering is going on, and these important customer service emails are being sent, you can be off doing something else! The more automation you can integrate into your online business, the better off you will be.
It's a service you cannot do without if you're going to run any online business. You can get free autoresponder accounts butthey usually come with ads that lure your prospects away from your page, you get what you pay for. But there are many goodautoresponders available for very reasonable costs. One of the most popular choice for price and features by many online marketers is Aweber. Good features and reasonably priced.
There are also other very good choices from the basic features to full fledged options, multiple campaigns and advanced tracking features, depends how many features you need for your particular case. One I recently found is Traffic-Wave. I was looking for an autoresponder I could try out as I had never used one before plus I only had a couple dozen people on my list anyway but still I needed one. I did a google search for autoresponders and saw this ad for a free 30 day trial, no money up front plus a free guide on setting it all up. Perfect... So after signing up and getting everything set up was actually pretty simple, and what better way to learn than on somebody else's dime? There is another Instant Biz package that's using the Traffic-Wave autoresponder to promote their Instant Biz as well, that's where I signed up to get the free autoresponder trial in the first place, makes a great package with MyInstantBiz Check it out.
Again this is all Free to try out and learn more about promoting and building your online business. I believe you can start an online business for free, but there are going to be some costs involved with running any business as you get going. Some of those are going to be for an autoresponder, web hosting, your own domain... But by using free trials like these and downloading free PLRmaterials, ebooks and other freebies, you CAN start an online business with absolutely no money.
But really though, Go check out MyInstantBiz, what the heck, you have 30 days to decide if you like it or not plus you don't even have to spend any money up front, just sign up to download the free guide that explains how everything works and the steps to follow to set it all up. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to set up your autoresponder. I found it was the perfect opportunity for me to take another step in my plan of starting up an online business for free, and has already started to increase my traffic.
I'm seriously thinking of starting to pay the monthly fee to continue using the autoresponder before the trial runs out because I think it's quite reasonably priced and so far I do like how easy it is to use and I found the tracking ability pretty neat, I know exactly where the clicks to my ads came from so I can track what ads and banners are working and which ones aren't, the ones that are not getting any response can be changed for something else that might get results. You can also track which emails got opened instead of just sent to the trash.
More on Autoresponders in the next post.
18 February 2009
Sta.rtup Biz
I just found another new, free-to-join site I thought I'd try out. It's another Social Network site but aimed at business and entrepreneurs instead of the giggly and sometimes annoying stuff you get on certain other sites. Sign up for a Free membership now and come and say Hi, and post your comment and get more free exposure to your site or product.
Check Out The Fastest Growing Social Network On The Net
14 February 2009
Free Leads - Grow Your List
There are hundreds of listbuilders, traffic exchanges, viral ad gizmos and other things out there. So let's focus on ONE listbuilder to get started.
I just came accross a great site that lets you email 500 people for free every week just by reading 5-7 emails a day.
List Joe
You can build your downline by refering others in nine list builders at the same time, creating the opportunity to send your email ad to as many as 10,000 people a week, or more.
It just takes 30 seconds to sign up and start building credits to get free email ads.
Make sure to read the ebook they're giving away because it shows you exactly how to
maximize the service so that you can eventually build a very comfortable and stable monthly income, and starting for free.
It even shows you how to become a top affiliate for ANY product or opportunity.
This ebook is NOT fluff, it's 35 pages of SOLID material. I've paid more for books that were much worse than this.
So grab your free ebook, and free advertising credits now while they're still offering it! Check It Out, What Have You Got To Lose?

06 February 2009
Protect Your Commissions... Build Your List...
Take a close look at the industry, you will see that not every one who gets into affiliate marketing is successful. People who are doing well leave no room for failure and take all security measures and understand its importance.
Yes! Security is one of the key factors in affiliate marketing. If you do not adopt proper security measures, then your business will be at high risk. One of the most important way to restore security is to protect your affiliate links. Do not take them for granted. A bit of carelessness on your part in regards to affiliate links may cost you a lot of dollars.
Do you know the long complicated links that you send to your prospective customers not only look messy but they can create a lot of problems too! If you send such an affiliate link to your customers, then the smart ones will definitely figure out that you are promoting someone else’s product and they would rather visit the parent company. Also, if your link does not function then your customers have to type a really long URL into the browser, which will definitely put him or her off.
You could be a victim of even a worse situation. What if some devious Internet pirates steal your affiliate links and replace them with theirs. If they do that, then you get no commission at all.
Did I scare you off with all of the above possibilities? Well, I just wanted to open your eyes and state facts that actually happen in the world of Internet. But fortunately there’s definitely a remedy to this problem and that is ViralURL.com
ViralURL is a link cloaker that protects you in the truest sense. There may be many unethical people lurking around, who might play with your affiliate links by cutting them off or replacing them with their own etc. How much effort you put in towards building your business and advertising your business, if your links are tampered with, then all your hard work will be rendered useless.
In order to avoid such a rip off, ViralURL gives you full protection and sees to it that your affiliate links never get exposed to others.
So save yourself from getting ripped. Get all the commissions to your account that you rightfully deserve. All this is made possible by ViralURL.com
Also, ViralURL does much much more than just protect your links.
*ViralURL helps us in protecting commission.
*ViralURL helps in building mailing lists.
*ViralURL helps in tracking statistics.
*ViralURL helps in earning extra ad credits.
In short, ViralURL allows us to create massive business leverage.
I don’t see any negative aspect associated with ViralURL. All you have to do is join it for free, then cloak your links, promote them and watch your business soar higher and higher.
You can get all detailed information about the program from the site. There, you can find several unsolicited testimonials from various users of ViralURL. So if you want to protect your business and see your earnings grow, try ViralURL. Because You have nothing to lose with it. Check it out.
31 January 2009
The Biggest Free PLR content Site, with absolutely everything you need to get started for free
Chances are though, like most smart internet marketers, you probably want to save a whole lot of time and money. After all, if you were to create your own e-book for instance, expect to spend tens of hours doing the research you need, and then writing the book itself - and that's if you're only semi-decent at writing. If you're a good writer, it will still take you hours and hours and if you're terrible, well, forget it, because your e-book won't sell!
Now, you certainly won't go wrong by hiring a good writer to create a really good e-book, but think about how much a good writer is going to cost you. Wouldn't you rather spend that money on getting visitors to your site so you can make more money?
I'm pretty sure, like me, you're always looking for ways to save time and money on your internet marketing business. I'll easily spend hours each week just reading up on the latest marketing happenings and news, in the endless search of learning more about starting your online business. In my latest search, I came across a really unique website, that's well worth checking out if you are serious about time and money saving, plus you won't believe the free content you get.

Now the name is pretty self-explanatory. This site was created by an internet marketer for internet marketers, and it's a one-stop shop for PLR material. E-books, reports, training videos, e-courses - you name it!
The really great thing about this site though is that membership is FREE. You can sign up as a VIP Member, which won't cost you a cent, and you can download a huge amount of PLR material for free!
You can sell that material yourself as part of your own internet marketing business, and of course, you can change any part of the product to suit your target audience.
Don't be put off by the free part either, in terms of the quality of the material that's on offer, because the free PLR stuff is really good.
In addition to the free PLR material you can download, you can also access heaps of great information about how to improve your internet marketing business.
You also have the option of paying a small one-time fee to become a Full Member of the site, and that will entitle you to even more fantastic PLR products to download and sell, plus you can become an affiliate of the PLR Wholesaler website itself, and receive a great commission whenever somebody you refer signs up as a Full Member.
Regardless of whether you're a paying member or not, you will have access to a regular e-newsletter that gets sent out, and if the testimonials are anything to go by, it's definitely one e-newsletter that's worth your while.
So do yourself a favor and join now, download everything you need to get started for free, even the info on how to do it.
Sign up now
You won't be disappointed.
Until next time, enjoy the free stuff.
25 January 2009
many ways you can make extra money
Everyone has some special skills or knowledge about some particular subjects and that information can be very valuable to a lot of people.
Maybe you are an expert on making crafts, woodworking, photography, cooking, gardening, whatever… find something you are good at, something you enjoy doing, and that can become your niche. If you pick something you really enjoy doing, something you are passionate about, it won’t feel like work will it? Okay, so now you have a niche product to start with, but how do you start to make money with it?
You can have the best product on the planet but you have to let people know about it. Now this product can be an actual item that people can use or it can be valuable information you have on the subject, like your to-die-for secret apple pie, or your instructions on how to make replacement parts for teddy bears. You would be surprised at what people search for online, think of something maybe odd to you and search for it sometimes, you’ll be amazed!
Advertising your product and letting people know about it is probably going to be the most difficult part of starting your new business, especially online.
Now where do you plan on selling your product or service?
Local mall or your own store, flea markets, mail order, ebay, classified ads? Again, there are many choices and you should look at every opportunity, the more places people can see and buy your products the better.
The main reason for mentioning all this is because some people only look at the online method and end up losing out on many other possible sales.
Whether starting a business online or on your street corner there are certain basic steps to follow if you are to be successful, just ask any successful business owner.
No matter where you sell your product you first need to get traffic to your store or website. The more people come to your store, the more sales you will make. Very basic rule for any business, but how do you get this traffic? If you have a corner store on a busy street where people shop everyday, your traffic should be much better than if your little store is hiding behind some factory. You must let people know where to find you because your little site is now hiding in the largest mall in the world called the internet but don’t let that scare you away because there are many ways to advertise without costing you a fortune.
Take a look at Affiliate marketing. Promote someone else's products, no inventory, no shipping, just refer visitors to products' sales pages. If the visitor buys the product..You get paid. Check these out, I actually got some traffic from these. Check them out, they're Free - Promote those links everywhere you can.
Sign up for ViralURL, just the free link cloaker feature alone makes it worthwhile.
What have you got to lose? It's Free
Another must sign on to site is Affiliate Funnel - Free membership. Check It Out..
The unique idea behind ListJumper is that there is potential for anyone to have a huge list to mail to. For more info on another great list builder, check it out.

19 January 2009
Submit your link to 2872 websites for FREE!
Get YOUR link on 2872 high traffic LIVE websites
in less than a minute for FREE! No robot's allowed, so your
link will be seen by THOUSANDS before it rolls off!
Click Here To Check It Out: It'S FREE To Try
18 January 2009
Check Out this Free Download
It explains everything about a new website, and it's Free to register and download a copy. I'm quite excited to see how this might work out, and thought you might be interested. I can't really tell you if it's any good yet as I've just joined it myself but the price was right so thought I'd give it a try.